VirtuaVPS | 1GB 内存 | OpenVZ | DAL/NY/LA | $4.90/Month

Virtua is a new company that was founded in February 2014. It is ran by a small group of like-minded people who came together to make the most reliable product we could. It's true when people say "they don't make it like they used to." From fibreglass cars to particle board - nothing is made to truly last anymore. We are attempting to change that. Virtua's servers are constructed from the most reliable hardware in the industry, our software is the leader in usability and stability, and our network providers are rated the best for uptime and speeds. We do everything we can to provide our customers with a reliable product. Our vision is to expand enough to have servers globally - be able to serve people in any country, but still be personable enough to be considered low end. Virtua is proud to offer a 30% off promo code to our WebHostingTalk customers: WHT30 Expires 7/27/14! Whois Link: IPv4 IPs used for all VPSs Virtualization Platform: OpenVZ Datacenter location: Dallas, Tx | Los Angeles, California | Buffalo, New York Test file: Test IP: Notice: PLEASE allow self-signed certificates for our test files. We have them on a separate server than our websites and use self-signed certificates to cut down on costs. Hardware: Proc: E5 2620 Ram: 32GB HDD: 4 1TB WD HDDs in RAID-10 NIC: Intel Packages: Level 1: 1 Core 1GB RAM - Guaranteed 60GB HDD - Raid10 1TB Bandwidth (1048GB) 1 IPv4 $4.90/Month Level 2: 2 Cores 1.5GBs RAM - Guaranteed 80GB HDD - Raid 10 1TB Bandwidth ?1 IPv4 $7.70/Month Level 3: 2 Cores 2 GBs RAM - Guaranteed 95GB HDD - Raid 10 2TB Bandwidth ?1 IPv4 $9.80/Month Level 4: 4 Cores 2.5 GBs RAM - Guaranteed 110 GBs - Raid 10 2 TBs Bandwidth ?1 IPv4 $13.30/Month Level 5: 4 Cores 3 GBs RAM - Guaranteed 150 GBs - Raid 10 3 TBs Bandwidth ?1 IPv4 $17.5/Month Coffee NOT included. - Cody

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