►►► RediDedi | UK 独立 服务器s, Optimised for Business

RediDedi is a UK based dedicated server provider, who offer businesses a reliable, guaranteed service. All of our servers are hosted in our own UK state of the art, award winning data centre, in Maidstone, Kent. We currently host a range of business' services, including: - Cloud backup - Offsite DR - Web hosting servers - Gaming clients - Web designers - & more All of our servers come equipped with high quality Supermicro validated hardware. Each server has 2 redundant PSU's, and is connected to our fully resilient BGP network. For those of you who are worried about security or attacks, we can offer a shared or a dedicated firewall. We also have a 24/7/365 manned NOC, constantly monitoring our infrastructure, and available to act upon any issues which may arise. Our main business is colocation, where we pride ourselves on our 100% uptime record. Our dedicated servers are no different. Not a single outage to date - you're always connected to the internet. Servers E3 Series - E3-1200V2 Series CPU - up to 32GB DDR3 ECC RAM - Up to 2 HDD's - Up to 1Gbps connection - Up to Unlimited Transfer - Dual PSU's (Redundant) Check out our E3 series E5 Series - E5-2600V2 Series CPU - up to 128GB DDR3 ECC RAM - Up to 2 HDD's - Up to 1Gbps connection - Up to Unlimited Transfer - Dual PSU's (Redundant) Check out our E5 Series All our servers are upgradeable, and we can offer a bespoke solution should you require it. Website

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