Fully Managed VPS with Unmetered B/W for $5/month

We are glad to announce our new VPS pricing. Each Xen VPS Plan comes with: - Free Fully Managed Service. - 1 Dedicated IP. - Automated Daily Backups. - 30 Days Money Back Guarantee. - Full root access. - VNC Access from Client Portal. - Boot, shutdown, and power off your VPS. - Change Hostname. - Unmetered Traffic/Bandwidth ... and more You can check the plans' details below or visit our pricing page here [https://arminds.com/pricing:] ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- BlogVPS Plan1: ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- RAM: 512MB CPU: 1 CPU Core HDD: 50GB Disk Space Price: $5/month Order Now: https://arminds.com/client-portal/cart/?a=add&pid=57 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- BlogVPS Plan2: ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- RAM: 1GB CPU: 1 CPU Core HDD: 100GB Disk Space Price: $10/month Order Now: https://arminds.com/client-portal/cart/?a=add&pid=58 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- BlogVPS Plan3: ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- RAM: 2GB CPU: 2 CPU Cores HDD: 200GB Disk Space Price: $20/month Order Now: https://arminds.com/client-portal/cart/?a=add&pid=59 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- BlogVPS Plan4: ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- RAM: 4GB CPU: 4 CPU Cores HDD: 400GB Disk Space Price: $40/month Order Now: https://arminds.com/client-portal/cart/?a=add&pid=60 Thanks a lot for your interest in ARMINDS services. ARMINDS Team

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