Reliable infrastructure, knowledgeable support, serious uptime competitive prices

We specialize in highly reliable cloud infrastructure. We deploy custom setup of the popular and easy-to-use, intuitive control panel SolusVm to support a cloud environment. Our shared storage is powered by state-of-the-art technology, utilizing GlusterFS and iSCSI. Our technicians work around the clock to ensure 99.99% uptime. We offer free migration with your initial setup, no commitment required and 7-day money back guarantee. You can choose from our 5 packages below or can request a custom setup. PLAN 1 $5/month 512M Ram 1CPU 20G HDD PLAN 2 $10/month 1G Ram 1CPU 30G HDD PLAN 3 $18/month 2G Ram 2CPU 40G HDD PLAN 4 $32month 4G Ram 2CPU 60G HDD PLAN 5 $60month 8G Ram 4CPU 80G HDD

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