E3-1230 - 32GB Ram - 4x1TB HDD - 100TB starting @ $119 [NL-US]

EqServers LLC is dedicated server provider since 2011. We specialize in providing Unmanaged Dedicated Servers from various locations. Our customer base includes individuals and corporates from around 65 countries all over the world. EqServers LLC is based on the principle of client satisfaction via long-term relationships, this is only a part of how we try to make sure our clients are confident that they will receive an honest service, from an honest company, in a risk free environment when they choose EqServers LLC! Why Choose EqServers LLC? - Authorized Partner and Reseller of LeaseWeb - Multiple Hosting Locations – USA, Netherlands and Germany - High quality servers for unmatched performance - No long term contracts, pay as you use - 99.9% Network Uptime SLA - 24 x 7 x 365 Technical Support via client support portal, - Qualified and experienced staff to understand and resolve your technical queries - No setup fee on all Dedicated Servers - API access to resellers with ready made WHMCS module

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