FREE Trial - FREE Trial 1 MONTH - SSD 服务器s *

FREE Trial - FREE Trial 1 MONTH - SSD Servers * #### VPS-Hosting Server Hosting. #### FEATURES - Re-image (Change OS) Anytime - Power On, Off, Html5 Web based Console - Reverse DNS - Multiple IP's Our Infrastructure. Storage 100% 8GB Fiber-channel SAN: HP EVA fiber channel SAN's for our VPS Clusters. We have a Minimum of 14 SSD Harddrives Per LUN and a max of 200 VPS Servers Per LUN. Brocade 8GB Redundant Switch Fabric. Server Cluster 16 Node Cluster. 128 CPU Cores (3ghz) 512 GB RAM Redundant network connectivity to multiple Cisco Nexus devices. Server Maintenance: We perform all our maintenance on our cluster servers with zero interruption to our customers. Using VMware vmotion and Storage vMotion we can move live running servers from one host node to another with no interruption. Network 100% Cisco: Cisco Nexus Switch. All Virtual Servers have a 1gb Network Connection. We have a redundant network using BGP to ISP's at 151 Front St in Toronto. Server Installation: Once you order you should have your server in about 5 minutes. Our standard instant provisioning servers come with your choice of Linux or Windows. Support: Our Support team members are certified in Cisco CCNP, VMware VCP, Redhat RHCE and various Microsoft. Try it for your self and you will see how our VPS Servers are the fastest around. You will never look at VPS Servers the same again. if you would like to test out our servers or would like to resell them in a private label please call or email us. All our VPS Servers are running on an ESX Cluster using VMware vSphere5. The largest company's in the world use the same architecture we are using. Order Here.. Use this Coupon for 1 month FREE. (2014FREE)

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