BoltVM - 1GB for $15/yr - Thunder Packages Now Available

BoltVM is proud to announce that we've released our Thunder packages and are running a special promotion while supplies last. BoltVM was opened on August 5, 2014 and has since been providing outstanding service to our clients. We have been working hard to improve our lineup and are happy to begin offering the new packages. Our services are currently only available in Los Angeles. Datacenter information can be found below, as well as on the site. Current Specials Thunder 1024 1,024 MB of RAM 2 Cores 100 GB of SSD-Cached RAID 10 Disk Space 1,000 GB of Bandwidth 1 IPv4 $15 a year [with coupon code THUNDER] Order Now! Lightning 512 512 MB of RAM 1 Core 25 GB of SSDRAID 10 Disk Space 500 GB of Bandwidth 1 IPv4 $15 a year [with coupon code 512FORFIFTEEN] Order Now! Lightning 1024 1,024 MB of RAM 2 Cores 50 GB of SSDRAID 10 Disk Space 1,000 GB of Bandwidth 1 IPv4 $24 a year [with coupon code 1024FOR24] Order Now! Test IP: Located in 530 W 6th Street, our servers are hosted in one of the premier datacenters in Los Angeles. With access to a plethora of peering and transit, our network in Los Angeles is superb.

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