[USA] Evorack $10 2GB 内存 2TB 流量 KVM VPS

Hi Everyone, Evorack is pleased to announce the launch of its new KVM Product line in the USA! To celebrate the event, we've gone a bit Krazy! KVM Krazy that is! We're offering the following KVMKrazy package for only $10 per month! 2048MB RAM (4096MB Swap) 25GB Disk Space 2TB transfer per month 1 IPv4 Address Dallas, TX, USA Datacenter Cost: $10 per month SignUp: https://secure.evorack.com/portal/ca...=66&currency=2 10-day money back guarantee FAQs: http://www.evorack.com/faqs.php We also have infrastructure in the UK and Germany. Please visit Evorack.com for more details. Since 2010, Evorack has been providing rock-solid VPSs to a global audience. We have many happy customers and our keen to provide the best service possible. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to PM me, open a support ticket, hit us up on our Live Chat Feature on Evorack.com, or place any comments below Cheers Jonny Evorack www.evorack.com

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