EZZI.net -- UP TO $30 OFF!! | On Sale: E3-1275V2, i7-3770, E3-1245V2, i3-3220 } SALE

EZZI.net is a leading provider of Dedicated and Cloud hosting solutions with state of the art power and network facilities. Providing low latency for gaming servers, voip customers, and to New York City financial markets for forex customers. NEW PROMO CODE OFF10 = $10 off per month on select servers (see below) OFF20 = $20 off per month on select servers (see below) OFF30 = $30 off per month on select servers (see below) *** COUPON ELIGIBLE SERVERS *** **Servers Deals** -- "Servers of yesteryear, for cheap!" Intel Core2Duo 3.0GHz -- $74/mo coupon not required Intel i3-540 3.0GHz 4G -- $84/mo coupon not required Intel i5-2500+ 3.3Ghz 4G -- $109/mo coupon not required Intel i5-2500+ 3.3Ghz 16G -- $139/mo coupon not required **Economy Dedicated Servers** -- "Low cost Servers for dev/backup/small website" Intel i3-3220+ 3.3Ghz 4G -- $99/mo w/ Promo Code OFF10 Intel i5-3570+ 3.4Ghz 4G -- $109/mo w/ Promo Code OFF10 **Value Dedicated Servers** -- "Best bang for the buck" Intel Xeon E3-1245+ V2 3.4Ghz 4G -- $109/mo w/ Promo Code OFF20 Intel i3-3220+ 3.3Ghz 16G -- $119/mo w/ Promo Code OFF20 Intel i5-3570+ 3.4Ghz 16G -- $129/mo w/ Promo Code OFF20 Intel i7-3770+ 3.4Ghz 4G -- $139/mo w/ Promo Code OFF20 **Premium Dedicated Servers** -- "Beefy servers for heavy computing needs" Intel Xeon E3-1245+ V2 3.4Ghz 16G -- $139/mo w/ Promo Code OFF30 Intel Xeon E3-1275+ V2 3.5Ghz 4G -- $139/mo w/ Promo Code OFF30 Intel i7-3770+ 3.4Ghz 16G -- $159/mo w/ Promo Code OFF30 Intel Xeon E3-1275+ V2 3.5Ghz 16G -- $169/mo w/ Promo Code OFF30 EZZI.net is a leading web hosting service provider with infrastructures built across 5 strategically located data centers in the New York Metro region and in Los Angeles. Customers choose EZZI.net for its ease of use, exceptional 24/7 live support and no contracts and commitments. Additionally, customers are guaranteed 99.9% uptime with devoted and superior monitoring services.

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