Cheapest vps from $1.99 per year paypal/bitcoin

Looking for the cheapest vps you can get? If yes 32mb club has the perfect vps for you. We undercut all other vps hosts and if you find one cheaper we will knock 50% off the price they are doing. Note: No raid (take backups). Location: Canada package 1: $1.99/Year 32MB RAM 64MB VSWAP 1.5GB HDD 1 Shared CPU core 1 IPV6(up to 20 NAT IPV4 ports via ticket) Feathur CP Unlimited Bandwidth Debian 7 minimal 32bit order now at: package 2: $1.99/Year 128MB RAM 256MB VSWAP 1.5GB HDD 1 Shared CPU core 1 IPV6(up to 20 NAT IPV4 ports via ticket) Feathur CP Unlimited Bandwidth Debian 7 minimal 32bit order now at: package 3: €3/Year 512MB RAM 1024MB VSWAP 5GB HDD 1 Shared CPU core 1 IPV6(up to 20 NAT IPV4 ports via ticket) Feathur CP Unlimited Bandwidth Debian 7 minimal 32bit order now at: Locations Beauharnois, Canada Datacentre: OVH BHS

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