OpenVZ VPS For Only $1 Dollar Per Month! || KVM VPS For Only $5 Per Month

We are now offering virtual private servers for only $1 per month or $5 per month. We offer two virtualizations: KVM or OpenVZ. Our OpenVZ Containers can only run Linux OS Templates. However, our KVM VPS can run both Linux and/or Windows Os Templates. OpenVZ => $1 KVM => $5 OpenVZ Features: ============== -15GB Disk Space -250GB Bandwidth -0.6 GHZ Processor -256MB RAM -100Mbit/s Network Speed Limit -1 IPV4 Address -Linux Only -101% Server Uptime If you would like a bigger OpenVZ VPS, feel free to checkout our Premium VPS Plans Starting from $9.99/month However, you can upgrade your 1 Dollar VPS to any of the Premium Plans at any time. OpenVZ Cost: $1.00/Month CLICK HERE TO ORDER OPENVZ FOR ONLY $1 KVM Features: ============== -30GB Disk Space -500GB Bandwidth -0.88 GHZ Processor -256MB RAM -100Mbit/s Network Speed Limit -1 IPV4 Address -101% Server Uptime -Linux/Windows Supported If you would like a bigger KVM VPS, feel free to checkout our Premium KVM VPS Plans Starting from $21.95/month However, you can upgrade your VPS to any of the Premium Plans at anytime. KVM Cost: $5.00/Month CLICK HERE TO ORDER KVM FOR ONLY $5

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