Get yourself a CRAZED NEBULA! Instant Setup! 256MB 内存/500GB BW/15GB Disk - $2.99/mo

ExaCloud's Virtual Private Servers Month-to-month Contracts As your operations grow and change, so do your infrastructure needs. All our services are provided on month-to-month contracts, so you only pay for what you need, as long as you need, and can scale or upgrade your environment without having to renegotiate or terminate a long-term commitment. High-speed & Redundant Network Our network features more than 10Gbps of connectivity. It's built from best-in-class networking infrastructure, hardware, and software. It also has exceptional bandwidth and connectivity for the highest speed and reliability. Full Remote Management and Control Manage your server from our control panel (reboot it, view bandwidth graphs, etc) CRAZED NEBULA 1 CPU Core 256MB RAM 15GB RAID Disk Space 500GB Transfer BGP Network 1 IP Address $2.99/mo - Order Now LUDICROUS NEBULA 2 CPU Core 512MB RAM 20GB RAID Disk Space 1TB Transfer BGP Network 1 IP Address $5.99/mo - Order Now WARPED NEBULA 3 CPU Cores 1GB RAM 35GB RAID Disk Space 1.5TB Transfer BGP Network 1 IP Address $9.99/mo - Order Now BERSERK NEBULA 4 CPU Cores 1.5GB RAM 45GB RAID Disk Space 2TB Transfer BGP Network 1 IP Address $14.99/mo - Order Now Location: New Jersey, USA Network BGP Blend: Qwest, Comcast, Lightpath, Hibernia If you have any questions, please email Our website:

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