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EliteNetHosting have over 10 years experience working with clients to ensure the best experience for their information technology needs. Ensuring their needs for reliablity, accesibility and security are meet at all times. BLACK FRIDAY OFFER Sign up now and get 50% Discount on all our VPS hosting plans. Use this promotion code: BLACKFRIDAY (Expires 28/11/2014)* VPS - 1 Memory: 512 MB - Disk Space: 10 GB - Monthly Bandwidth: 200 GB - 1 IP Addresses Included Only €7.45 monthly Signup now VPS - 2 Memory: 1 GB - Disk Space: 40 GB - Monthly Bandwidth: 350 GB - 1 IP Addresses Included Only €9.70 monthly Signup now VPS - 3 Memory: 2 GB - Disk Space: 80 GB - Monthly Bandwidth: 800 GB - 1 IP Addresses Included Only €14.20 monthly Signup Now VPS - 4 Memory: 4 GB - Disk Space: 100 GB - Monthly Bandwidth: 1500 GB - 1 IP Addresses Included Only €18.70 monthly Signup now Operation systems Ubuntu, Debian and Centos For any question, you can drop us an email sales (a) elitenethosting.com or the online chat. Prices is not including the discount, the discount will be deducted at checkout. *Discount for the two first months.

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