HostMada ★CRAZY PRICES & HIGH SPECS★ |20TB on 1Gbit Port★5 IPv4 Address| FROM $35 /m

HostMada started as a group of IT professionals to introduce a new standard in the fast changing environment of web hosting. Our mission is to achieve your 100% satisfaction, which is guaranteed by our professional service and friendly support. With experience on various hosting platforms and operating systems, particularly Apache and Linux, we bring a wealth of knowledge and the capability to handle any hosting needs. This experience also comes with the support and knowledge our customers have come to rely on. We ensure that customer's questions are resolved timely and effectively and from our friendly and respectful customer support team. Our dedicated server offerings can be custom configured to your specifications, so you receive exactly what you need. We keep that server in our datacenter's controlled environment, with all the power, security and bandwidth that you'll ever need to run your unmanaged dedicated server. We maintain everything from the datacenter's environment to the servers, labor and materials, so that you can focus on what you do best: your business. Place your order online today and we will have your custom built server online within 3 business days.

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