What a bargain! | 25% OFF ALL Self-Managed VPS'es & Managed cPanel VPS'es

Hello! NotionHosting provides affordable and high performance web hosting to people around the world. We have managed and unmanaged web hosting plans, VPS plans and dedicated server plans from small to large to fit your requirements. We maintain a stable hosting infrastructure, serving clients with diverse needs all over the world. Our VPS nodes use OpenVZ virtualization technology, dual Intel Xeon CPUs and at least 4 drives in a RAID 10 array for redundancy and speed. We DO NOT oversell our servers. Other hosts offer large/unlimited plans at a cheap price, but their servers are filled with thousands of accounts in order to make profit, and you end up being unhappy. NotionHosting makes sure that every customer of us gets dedicated resources and we are sure that you will be happy with us. +---------------------------------------------+ Current Promotion: 25% off ALL VPS hosting plans (recurring). Use coupon: [CHEAPVPS] +---------------------------------------------+ Standard 40GB RAID 10 Disk Space 1vCPU Core 1GB RAM (+1GB vSwap) 1 Dedicated IP 500GB Bandwidth @ 1Gbps Self Managed: $5.25/month with coupon CHEAPVPS Fully Managed: $18.75/month with coupon CHEAPVPS (Includes FREE cPanel and Softaculous) Order Now Standard+ 65GB RAID 10 Disk Space 2vCPU Cores 2GB RAM (+2GB vSwap) 2 Dedicated IPs 1000GB Bandwidth @ 1Gbps Self Managed: $9/month with coupon CHEAPVPS Fully Managed: $22.5/month with coupon CHEAPVPS (Includes FREE cPanel and Softaculous) Order Now Premium 90GB RAID 10 Disk Space 3vCPU Cores 3GB RAM (+3GB vSwap) 3 Dedicated IPs 2000GB Bandwidth @ 1Gbps Self Managed: $12.75/month with coupon CHEAPVPS Fully Managed: $26.25/month with coupon CHEAPVPS (Includes FREE cPanel and Softaculous) Order Now Premium+ 120GB RAID 10 Disk Space 4vCPU Cores 4GB RAM (+4GB vSwap) 4 Dedicated IPs 3000GB Bandwidth @ 1Gbps Self Managed: $16.5/month with coupon CHEAPVPS Fully Managed: $30/month with coupon CHEAPVPS (Includes FREE cPanel and Softaculous) Order Now We do not guarantee the availability of the promotion and it will end once stock runs out. Sign up now to take advantage of this incredible VPS hosting offer. Looking for more resources or a custom plan? Create a sales ticket here and we will create a customised package just for you! Learn more about: Self Managed VPS Fully Managed VPS All VPS plans include: SolusVM Control Panel Interface (Reboots, Reinstalls & Stats) RAID 10 Protected Disk Space 1Gbps Fair-Share Uplink Full Root / SSH Access A wide range of Linux OS choices $1/month Per Additional Dedicated IP (Justification may be required) The VPS'es are hosted in Atlanta, GA, USA. Test IPs and test files are available on request. Give us a try and you won't regret! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via ticket: https://www.notionhosting.com/clients/submitticket.php where a team member will be happy to respond. Thank you!

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