[EU] 8GB Ram + 8 CPU Cores + 1TB HDD + Windows - 34.99€/month

Hi, LusoVPS has been in the hosting business for over 3 years now. We are now offering bargains on dedicated servers. We have the following server available for rent: 8 CPU Cores at 2.5GHz 8GB Ram DDR3 1600MHz 1x1TB HDD SATA3 1Gbps Connection Dedicated iKVM Windows 2012 trial DDoS Protection Ready to use The price is 34.99€/month + VAT (You only pay for VAT if you're not a business in the EU). This server is ideal to host your favorite game/software. It's cheap, it's fast and it works! Just send us an email to info@lusovps.com. We will hook you up with this beauty in under 1 day. Thank you for your time

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