FREE TRIAL - Starts at 69/month Virtualization Friendly -We Beat ANY Advertised Price

FREE TRIAL - Starts at 69/month Virtualization Friendly. Dedicated Servers ServerRack offers a secure high availability environment to colocate equipment with our 100% uptime maintained by redundant UPS Backed A and B power connections, Redundant Network connections and monitored by our security team. We own our Datacenter in Kitchener and Toronto where we have 20 Cabinets of servers racked and ready to be installed. We offer the following Virtualization Friendly configurations. HP - DELL or SUN - Up to 16 COREs - Up to 128GB RAM - Local SAS, SSD or Fiberchannel Storage - Unmetered Network - /29 IP Addresses up to /24 - Linux - Windows - VMWare - iLO Access Starting at $69/month FREE TRIAL Order now and get your first month cost FREE. Use coupon code STARTER Order here Note: We can install anything you want and any storage configuration you require. We don’t allot the servers to be used to send SPAM and we charge a small setup fee to ensure you are capable of paying a bill. Please contact us for any custom quotes.

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