I-Hosting | OpenVZ | 5GB Ram | Instant Set-Up |Unmanaged | $7 Per Month

We are offering every at WHT an overstock special, we have literally hundreds of stock available ready to go. This offer is just limited to our OpenVZ VPS servers, For those who dont know what this is, it most likely wont affect you. The VPS will be deployed with a quad core E3-1240V2. Here are the VPS specs: Overstock - OpenVZ Intel E3 @ 4 Cores 5 GB Ram 5000 GB Bandwidth 50 GB Disk Space 1 I.P Instant Set-Up! Order - https://i-hosting.co/clients/cart.php?a=add&pid=18 Payment methods: - Paypal - Payza - Credit/Debit cards via stripe Support/Questions: Pop an email to support@i-hosting.co

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