Citrix Xen服务器 VPS 服务器 $4 per month!

Looking for an enterprise grade VPS solution? Look no further, we have the virtual solution for you. Our Citrix XenServer VPS gives you the option of installing from your own ISO image or net installer. Citrix Xen is real with its dedicated resources. Meaning there is NO sharing of ram. Its I/O speeds are prioritized equally, as well as CPU cores. Best of all, they are at the same great price! from $6. VPS 1: 1 CPU Core 20GB HDD Space 512MB Dedicated Ram 1.5TB Bandwidth 1 IP $4 per month $0 Setup VPS 2: 2 CPU Cores 50GB HDD Space 1GB Dedicated Ram 5TB Bandwidth 1 IP $10.95 per month $0 Setup VPS 3: 4 CPU Cores 100GB HDD Space 2GB Dedicated Ram 5TB Bandwidth 1 IP $20.95 per month $0 Setup VPS 4: 8 CPU Cores 100GB HDD Space 4GB Dedicated Ram 10TB Bandwidth 2 IPs $28.95 per month $0 Setup Servers located in Jacksonville Florida R1Soft Backup Space. NOW AVAILABLE Plans can be ordered here: . Illegal torrents & other prohibited material considered illegal by law & the state of Florida, are not permitted . SPAMMING is not permitted and if you are found to be spamming you will be terminated immediately

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