Buckeye VPS - Choose from OpenVZ, Xen, SSD, and KVM Windows in 4 Locations!

Greetings from Buckeye VPS! We are excited to offer the WHT community a wide-range of OpenVZ, Xen, SSD, and Windows (KVM) virtual servers in 4 locations! Choose from Los Angeles CA, Dallas TX, Chicago IL, or Miami FL! OpenVZ - http://www.buckeyevps.com/openvz-vps-hosting.php Xen - http://www.buckeyevps.com/xen-vps-hosting.php SSD - http://www.buckeyevps.com/ssd-vps-hosting.php Windows - http://www.buckeyevps.com/win-vps-hosting.php ALL virtual servers include the following: - 4 Locations to Choose From - Standard DDoS Protection - Custom Control Panel - Reverse DNS Control - IPv4 and IPv6 - Uptime Guarantee Test IPs: Los Angeles CA - Dallas TX - Chicago IL - Miami FL - We proudly accept PayPal and all major credit cards. All orders are subject to manual review to prevent fraud.

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