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SUBSCRIBE ONE NOW AND GET THE SECOND ONE HALF PRICE! Need the horsepower of the entire server to power your web application, forum or portal that accommodates thousands of visitors a day? With greater CPU, higher Memory and more Internet Bandwidth to work with, our Dedicated Server Hosting solutions make sure your website is accessible at all times, and most importantly, well suited for mission critical web presences. Server Specification: Intel Quad Core Xeon Processor E3-1230V3 / 3.3Ghz / 8MB Cache. 16GB ECC DDR3. 2 x Intel 1Gbe Network Interface. 1 x 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM SAS 6GBS Hard Disk. 1 Mbps speed guaranteed, unlimited bandwidth transfer. CentOS 6.5 64bit Operating System. 1 IP address. All services and support for the server is managed by us. Data Centre is located at Jaring Technology Park Malaysia (TPM), Bukit Jalil. Pay for 1 Month RM849/ month. Pay for 1 Year (12 months) RM9168/year– You saveRM1020 ORDER NOW OR VISIT US AT Zenpipe.com

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