VPSDime - Incredible 6GB 内存, 30GB Pure SSD @ 1/10Gbps Network VPS

We have blazing fast full SSD nodes in Dallas, TX; Los Angeles, CA and London, UK! Check out our website to view what others have to say about us: https://vpsdime.com Please also search for yourself on Google and see how many great positive reviews we have. We provide an incredible service for an amazingly value price. The Plan - OpenVZ Virtualization - 4 vCPU (E5 2620v2) - 6GB Memory - 30GB Full SSD - 2TB Monthly Traffic Limit - 1/10Gbps Network - 1 IPv4 Address Click here to purchase: https://vpsdime.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=1 Looking for something even more powerful? Checkout our website for all our plans: http://vpsdime.com/ We do not allow - BitTorrent - TOR - Public VPNs/Open Proxies - MineCraft Servers - CamFrog - Digital Currency Mining - Teamspeak - IRC - Chobots - Runescape Bots - llegal activity (SPAM, Port Scanning, DoS, etc.) We do allow - Other gameservers such as TF2, L4D and other non-resource intensive game servers - Legal Adult - Anything else legal in the US and not listed above. Can I get more _____? No, you can upgrade to higher level.

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