SimpleHost Special - E3-1240v3 8-32Gb 内存, 120Gb SSD, & 1Gbps Uplink **ONLY $95!**

Stock is limited, so act now to secure your deal! Dedicated servers come in our Buffalo, New York or Los Angeles datacenters with the following specifications: Intel Xeon E3-1240v3 processor 8-32Gb DDR3 RAM 1Gbps connection 120Gb SSD Plus, this package comes with our award winning support and revolutionary management panel. The cost is $95 for 8Gb RAM, $110 for 16Gb RAM, or $125 for 32Gb RAM. If you are interested in this deal, please do not reply to this email; instead please email and we'll be happy to set it up for you! Please do not reply to this thread with questions. Cheers! -- The SimpleHost Team (919) 617-7627

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