Cyber Monday Sale E3-1240v2, 16GB 内存, 500GB HDD, 1Gbps, $59/m

Company: Hudson Valley Host Website: Hudson Valley Host has been offering web hosting solutions worldwide since 2004. Since we've been in the industry for such a long time, we know what we're talking about, which is one of many reasons you should trust your online presence with us. Every Hudson Valley Host customer is treated with VIP support by our 24/7/365 technical support team - we're here for your every hosting need. Should you ever outgrow a particular hosting package, you can instantly upgrade with no downtime whatsoever. We understand that websites grow, and we're here to help you throughout the process. This coupon is available for a limited amount of time and is recurring. Unmanaged - Intel Xeon E3-1240v2 Recurring Price $59/mo Limited stock available. 16GB Ram 500GB Hard Drive 5,000GB Bandwidth 1000Mbps gigE Uplink 5 Usable IPs Click here to order --------------------------------- Customer Reviews: If you've got any questions, please don't hesistate to contact us via email: sales[at]hudsonvalleyhost[dot]com Thank you.

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