Dewlance® - Quality Windows VPS & Linux - $11.99/m - 3 Location + Instant + PP/BTC/et

Dewlance® Was Established in 2009 (6+ Year), Our Company and Trademark is Registered. Windows VPS Hard Disk: 15GB (RAID10 Config) - Bandwidth: 1000GB - RAM: 512MB (Dedicated RAM) - CPU: 3.07GHz - CPU Core: 4 - IP Address: 1 - OS: Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2008(32BIT & 64BIT), Windows 2003 R2(32BIT & 64BIT) - Remote Desktop Account(RDP) - VNC Access: Yes - 1 Click Automated OS Installation - Monthly Backup - Instant Setup Price: $11.99/m Order Now! Linux XenPV VPS Hard Disk: 15GB (RAID10) - Bandwidth: 1000GB/m - RAM: 512MB (Dedicated RAM) - CPU: 3.07GHz - CPU Core: 1 - IP Address: 1 - OS: CentOS 5, 6 7, Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSuse, Slackware, Scientific Linux, Debian and ArchLinux. - VNC Access: Yes - Full SSH Root Access: Yes - OS Installation is Automated - Monthly Backup - Instant Setup Price: $11.99/m Order Now! If you are looking for Linux XenHVM VPS: Server Location?
  • Buffalo - NY
  • Orlando - FL
  • Chicago - IL
Payment Method?
  • PayPal (Verified Only)
  • Bitcoin
  • Perfect Money
  • OKPay
  • Payza
  • EGOPay
  • NEFT/Bank Deposit
+ Our Windows VPS Comes with Pre Configured RDC/RDP + You don't need to install or setup SSH/RDP, etc.. We will do this for you. Thanks.

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