Verelox - DDoS-Protected - KVM SATA/SSD Linux/Windows VPS in Europe from 2.99 EUR/mo.

Verelox is an European hosting services provider founded in 2014 aiming to provide quality services at affordable and reasonable prices. Established by a group of network system administrators as well as computer programmers, we guarantee that any issues you encounter will be resolved in a professional way and a timely fashion! Verelox provides SATA as well as SSD virtual private servers running on the leading complete virtualization solution, KVM. Here are the most recent plans offered: [SATA] KVM-128 €9.99/yr. Guaranteed RAM: 128MB Processor: 1 Core (Intel E5/E3 3+ GHz) Storage: 5GB RAID-1 SATA Storage Transfer: 500GB/mo. [Order] [SATA] KVM-256 €12.99/yr. Guaranteed RAM: 256MB Processor: 1 Core (Intel E5/E3) Storage: 10GB RAID-1 SATA Storage Transfer: 500GB/mo. [Order] [SATA] KVM-512 €2.99/mo. Guaranteed RAM: 512MB Processor: 1 Core (Intel E5/E3) Storage: 15GB RAID-1 SATA Storage Transfer: 1TB/mo. [Order] [SATA] KVM-768 €3.99/mo. Guaranteed RAM: 768MB Processor: 1 Core (Intel E5/E3) Storage: 20GB RAID-1 SATA Storage Transfer: 1TB/mo. [Order] [SATA] KVM-1024 €4.99/mo. Guaranteed RAM: 1024MB Processor: 1 Core (Intel E5/E3) * Storage: 25GB RAID-1 SATA Storage * Transfer: 2TB/mo. * [Order] [SATA] KVM-2048 €6.99/mo. Guaranteed RAM: 2048MB Processor: 1 Core (Intel E5/E3) * Storage: 35GB RAID-1 SATA Storage * Transfer: 4TB/mo. * [Order] [SATA] KVM-4096 €9.99/mo. Guaranteed RAM: 4096MB Processor: 2 Cores (Intel E5/E3) * Storage: 80GB RAID-1 SATA Storage * Transfer: 8TB/mo. * [Order] [SATA] KVM-8192 €17.99/mo. Guaranteed RAM: 8192MB Processor: 4 Cores (Intel E5/E3) Storage: 160GB RAID-1 SATA Storage * Transfer: 10TB/mo. [Order] *: specifications that are configurable during order, storage is RAID protected - managed VPS is only €29.99/mo extra. You may see the SSD plans when you click here. Network and Features Locations available: France only in the meantime Network Speed: up to 1Gbps Speed Test: -- Anti-DDoS protection is enabled, mitigates unlimited sizes of attacks rDNS through the control panel is possible Custom ISO is supported as well as VNC. For any questions, please feel free to contact us or chat with us live.

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