ALVOTECH - KVM VPS * SSD-Cache HDD * 10TB Bandwith * FRA (Germany) * starting €6.90

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alvotech - Founded in 2009 by veterans from the IT Industry, yet young and dynamic with clear objectives. Anyone can do Cheap but Limited, others can do Powerful but Expensive. Our goal: Premium, at a good price, with an International reach. We are convinced that with our experience, accumulated expertise and the right software we can achieve this target. Our previous successes proves us right. International? Yes! The world is coming closer together on the Internet, the medium of our customers, which could be more that we use as well make this possible. More than 30% of our customers do not come from Germany, a fact that makes us very proud. Our services are provided from data centers in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Los Angeles. We chose locations that have high standards of reliability and an optimal Internet connection. Working in collaboration with leading carriers and hardware suppliers, we always guarantee quick and permanent availability of your applications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check our Looking Glass-Websites
  • Düsseldorf (Germany):
  • Frankfurt (Germany):
  • Amsterdam (Netherland):
  • Los Angeles (US):
You looking for a trial? No problem, just leave us a message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our plans VPS KVM 1 * 1 vCPU (min 2GHz) * 2 GB RAM * 60 GB HDD (SSD-Caching) * 1 IPv4 address include * 16 IPv6 addresses include * 10TB bandwidth just 6,90 EUR monthly

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