Linux VPS 服务器s from £7.99 per month

Our VPS systems are hosted on Xen 4 This is one of the best virtualisation software for VPS hosting available at the moment. Each VPS is partitioned off from other partitions giving you security and stability. Our servers are hosted in Maindenhead with redundant network connections into the data centre. -------------------------------------------------------------------- What do you get with all packages? Dedicated IP x 1 (more available at no extra charge subject to justification) Free Reboots Free Image Reloads IRC Allowed Proxies Allowed Choose from Debian and CentOS Linux Starting Prices LVPS 128 15 GB Hard Disk Space 150GB Monthly Transfer 128 MB Ram 256 MB Dedicated Swap Monthy fee £7.99 pm ORDER or view more packages cPanel £10 per month OpenPanel FREE -------------------------------------------------------------------- Speed Test Tracert Please email us for more information or any other queries. Thanks for looking.

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