█ Best VPS 服务器 Hosting █ No Compromises █ 4GB Ram █ 1TB RAID Disk █ 1TBVPS.com █

Isn’t it hard choosing a hosting provider? You've probably noticed, all the offers look the same. How can you deicde? I'm proud to announce that 1TBVPS.com is ready to cut through the noise and offer something truly unique. This is VPS hosting with no compromises. With massive specs and over-engineered servers, run by real systems administrators, 1TBVPS has the power you need for your linux workload. ============ Features you get with every VPS server:
  • Massive 1TB SSD Cached RAID 10 storage
  • Incredible 4GB Ram
  • 2TB bandwidth on 1gbps port
  • 3.6 GHz 8 Core Intel Xeon processors
  • OpenVZ virtualization for maximum performance
============ Buy Now only $24.99/mo for a limited time Your 1TBVPS.com VPS is hosted in Phoenix, AZ using IOFLOOD.com dedicated servers. Learn More Questions? Please email sales@1tbvps.com and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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