Here at Sapatana, we have recently had a revamp of our website which delivered a few changes. First of all, we focused on the hosting packages, how could we lead the market and change it for the better? Our solution, only charge what we need for unmanaged services. Sapatana is based in the heart of England with all of our staff currently from there, we use a data center in Quebec, Canada which we house our latest Intel Xeon E5's in. A basic server is Intel Xeon E5-1650v2 on a premium 1Gbps port with 128GB DDR3 RAM and 6TB Hard Drive. Available operating systems Windows-2008rc2 (setup fee of £1.61 or $2.50) Windows-2012rc2 (coming soon) centos-5.5 centos-6.6 centos-7.1 debian-5.0 debian-6.0 debian-7.0 debian-7.8 debian-8.0 fedora-13 fedora-15 fedora-18 fedora-21 suse-11.3 suse-12.3 suse-13.1 ubuntu-10.04 ubuntu-10.10 ubuntu-11.04 ubuntu-11.10 ubuntu-12.04 ubuntu-12.10 ubuntu-13.04 ubuntu-13.10 ubuntu-14.04 ubuntu-15.04 scientific-6.3 scientific-6.4 scientific-6.6 scientific-7.0 scientific-7.1

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