Dafthost.com - 独立 服务器s and VPS Bitcoin/Paypal/Wire

Dafthost.com providing dedicated servers, VPS and Shell accounts. We use only high quality servers to ensure high performance with affordable pricing on a wide range managed servers. All of our hosting servers are located in Poland datacenters. If you are interested please check our offer on Dafthost.com Dedicated Servers : - Bitcoin Payment ! - Free IP KVM for any server (ilo2, ilom or drac) remote monitor, mouse,virtual drive, restarts, etc - You can install any operation system remotely - We do not interfere which operating system you are installing - No Limit Bandwidth (after exceeding the 3 TB speed will be reduced) - 10Mbps Uplink/Port Speed - Many servers to choose (HP,Dell,IBM, Sun SPARC) - Extra email account Features : - CPU Intel Xeon 2QCx2.33 GHz (8 core 8 threads) - 8 GB Ram - Hard drive choose when ordering - Remote KVM ilo2 (Monitor, Mouse, Virtual Drive, Remote Restarts) Basic plan 100 $ More servers is available on our website. VPS : - Bitcoin Payment ! - Virtualization method Vmware Esxi ! - Total root privilege - Full management via VMware vSphere Client. - Freedom to install any operation system and software configure your account the way you want it. - No Limit Bandwidth (after exceeding the 3 TB speed will be reduced) - 10Mbps Uplink/Port Speed - Extra email account Features : - 1x Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz 12M - 1 GB Ram Guaranteed ! - 40 GB - Remote KVM Monitor Mouse, Virtual Drive, Remote Restarts (VMware vSphere Client) - Virtualization VMware Esxi Basic plan 35 $ More VPS is available on our website. All servers is located in Poland.

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