Cloudarion – Quick Response Support, SSD VPS, Location Choice

Cloudarion has been a major presence in the Web Hosting market since 2011. All of our staff is in-house and we pride ourselves on operating our own networks and infrastructures. Cloudarion is committed to providing our customers with Semi-Managed Support that is unsurpassed in the industry and that is truly available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. 99% of the tickets we receive are answered within a 30 minute time period! Our employees and agents have years of experience and we take precautions for disaster planning in order to preserve all enterprise level data and to ensure our services. We are here to provide you with virtualization at prices that are extremely affordable without needing to sacrifice quality whatsoever. Every individual machine has a limitation of no more than 30 VPS per individual node on XEN technology that is RAID10 allowing all systems to quickly handle any issues pertaining to CPU, memory and IO limitations that occur and that diminish quality when additional VPS are added to nodes.

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