XenVZ: High quality VPS on Hardware RAID6+Hotswap from just £0.99/mo - Sizzling hot!

You know the drill: We have just re-stocked our servers to offer high quality VPS at quite frankly insane prices! XEN 128MB Guaranteed RAM - 2.5GB usable RAID1/RAID5/RAID6 space - 20GB monthly data transfer (doubles to 40GB/month from end of March!) Pricing options: £1.30/month £1.25/month (6-month pre-payment of £7.50) £1.20/month (12-month pre-payment of £14.40) £1.15/month (18-month pre-payment of £20.70) £1.10/month (24-month pre-payment of £26.40) £1.05/month (30-month pre-payment of £31.50) £0.99/month (36-month pre-payment of £35.64) It doesn't stop there. I have reduced the price of our add-ons for this package only so a low end box can be turned into a high end box without the premium RAM: £0.45/month per 64MB RAM (usually £1.00/mo) Disk: £1.00/month per 5GB (no change due to increase in disk prices and we're moving to lower capacity SAS disks these days with a lot of redundancy) Bandwidth: £0.50/month per 20GB (usually £1.00/mo) IPs: £1.00/month per IP Order URL is https://clients.openitc.co.uk/order/type/9 Order fast and you'll be able to provision your VPS on servers of the following specifications:
  • At least 2x dual core Intel Xeons or single quad core Intel Xeon
  • 10k or 15k hotswap SAS drives with hardware RAID6 with NV cache. Zoom zoom with super redundancy.
  • Hotswap PSUs
We're offering these at rock-bottom prices and as such the only technical assistance available on these is that offered via our control panel i.e. OS reload. We do of course ensure that *our* systems are working but "How do I enable tun/tap" is best answered by the community. Lastly, we are obliged to provide *some* money back guarantees but we do ask potential customers to be considerate here again due to margins and the time involved.

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