Dual Xeon PowerEdge 1750 with Free RAID

Dedicated Servers - Dell PowerEdge 1750 - Dual Xeon 3.06 - Dual Xeon Processors @ 3.06GHz - 2 GB of RAM - 2x 36 GB SCSI Hard Drives - Hardware RAID 1 Included at no charge upon request. - 100mbit Fast Ethernet Port - 1.5 TB of Bandwidth - 5 IP Addresses - 72 Hour Provisioning Guarantee -- Operating Systems Selection -- - CentOS 6.2 or latest 32-bit (FREE) - Ubuntu Latest LTS 32-bit (FREE) - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard 32-bit ($20/mo) Interested? Order Here: https://secure.d10net.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=13 If you have any additional questions, please feel free to submit a sales inquiry at: https://secure.d10net.com/submittick...tep=2&deptid=1

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