E3-1270 VPS, 4 VMs per node, high resources! Special deal for first person to order!

Hey folks! We have a special deal available. It went extremely well last week, and so we've brought new nodes online! VPS Details: Linux or Windows XEN VPS 1 Physical 3.4Ghz E3-1270 core (2 hyperthreaded cores) 3.5GB of dedicated memory 5GB of SWAP 420GB of RAID HDD Space 1500GB of Bandwidth SolusVM Control Panel for VPS control 1 IPv4 address 20 IPv6 addresses cPanel licenses available! $65 per month! Only 4 VMs available on this node! For the first client, we'll do $25 a month. Place the order, but don't pay until we edit the invoice http://clients.invehosting.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=51 Node details: E3-1270 CPU 16GB ECC Memory 2TB of RAID HDD space Gigabit connection Supermicro hardware Only 4 VMs per node, no exceptions! The goal of this VPS to provide dedicated resources that are high performance for a reasonable price. Currently, the node has zero VMs on it, and as we stated above, we're only putting 4 VMs on this node. Each VM will receive 1/4th of the total server power, that's CPU, memory, HDD space, IO resources, etc. About us: InveHosting incorporated June of 2008 Verify our incorporation status here: http://www.scsos.com/index.asp?n=18&...orateid=522480 Colocated in Immedion Datacenter All equipment is owned by InveHosting All server equipment is Supermicro All HDD's are enterprise drives, IE, Western Digital RE4 drives All RAID cards are Adaptec We look forward to serving your needs! Thanks!

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