France KVM VPS for sale - OVH network

Hi all., We (impresshosts) are a new provider. We offer the following KVM VPS. All are servers are in the OVH datacenter in France. All servers are completely unmanaged. We are only responsible for the network and the hardware. We gaurantee an uptime of 99.9%. Each host server has 1 GB connectivity. We do not oversell nor overload our servers. Here are our plans: S-VPS RAM: 1 GB CPU Cores: 2 HDD Space: 50 GB Monthly Traffic: 800 GB IPv4: 1 IPV6: unlimited Cost: Euro 20 per month M-VPS RAM: 2 GB CPU Cores: 4 HDD Space: 100 GB Monthly Traffic: 1600 GB IPv4: 1 IPV6: unlimited Cost: Euro 40 per month L-VPS RAM: 4 GB CPU Cores: 6 HDD Space: 200 GB Monthly Traffic: 3200 GB IPv4: 1 IPV6: unlimited Cost: Euro 60 per month We do not condone or permit the following activities on our servers: a. Spamming, Mail Bombing, DOS/DDOS attacks b. Threatening, abusing or indulging in insults [racial or otherwise] on anyone. c. Hosting Pirated Links, Warez, Crack Programs d. Scams, Phishing, Botnets, Malware e. Transmitting Copyrighted Material, Trade Secrets, or other intellectual property without proper authorization f. Pornography g. IRC h. Any other material that in our judgement is unacceptable to be hosted on our servers. Legal torrents are allowed. If we do get a complaint, only then will we investigate. We give you 12 hrs to respond to and clean up your servers in case of a complaint. We are all for freedom of information used responsibly. All of our servers are dual quadcore and above with a minimum of 16 GB RAM. Our servers have enough power to run your sites. We use the industry standard SolusVM panel as our control panel. Yes you can start, stop, reboot, and reinstall your server at any time. Each VPS comes with VNC access from the control panel, to set it up. We have the following ISOs available: Centos 6.3 minimal - 32 and 64-bit Debian Squeeze Netinstall - 32 and 64-bit ArchLinux - 2012.08.04 - Dual ISO Ubuntu Server 12.04 - 64-bit. Need anything else? Just ask:-) Note: Our website is currently under construction and will be up shortly. We will then use WHMCS to manage accounts. Till then, to order: send an email to with the following information: First Name:* Last Name:* Email:* Alternate Email: Company: Address 1:* Address 2: City:* State/Region: EX: 'WA' Zip:* (00000-0000) Country:* Phone: Payment is through paypal. Here is our test IP: Speedtest file: [The speed is limited to 150 Mbps for this speedtest file] We are a honest, no-nonsense host. We are system admins by profession and are based in India. Order, get your VPS and enjoy our services. All accounts are setup within 24-hours after payment. Thanks and God bless. Michael

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