[USA] VMWare ESXi Strong VPS hosting $33/mo.

Virtual Private Servers (VPS) are the future of enterprise web hosting. You get server grade hardware and eliminate the needs or restrictions of shared and dedicated server hosting. VPS are environmentally friendly and use less power than a traditional dedicated solution. Upon detection of failure (of one of our VPS nodes) our service automatically fails over to another physical machine in the VPS cloud. After almost 7 years in the hosting industry we have a proven track record of satisfied customers, and staff dedicated to quality customer service. Our prices are competitive and all services come standard with a SLA. ESXi Technology Intel Xeon X5650/E5520 RAID-10 Storage Automatic failover Dedicated Resources Free Reinstalls & Reboots Great for Gaming & Media Network Monitoring Bandwidth Monitoring DNS for 5 Domains 2 IPv4 Addresses 1 /96 IPv6 Subnet DDoS Protected Network 1TB Bandwidth Free Support 99.9% Standard SLA Test File: Test IPs: 2605:ea00:1:10:0:1::34 Ordering page: http://recompiled.net/vps.html

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