[Offshore] Romania/Luxembourg VPS - 4 GB Ram - 180 GB HDD - from 27.3 Euro

Benelux Servers - Offshore & Private Network Solutions About us =================================== Benelux Servers was formed due to the growing demand of privacy in the hosting market. Our main priority is to provide our customers with secure & private hosting services at an affordable price. All of our nodes are based in Luxembourg & Romania, an offshore jurisdiction. Similarily as offshore banks operate, our servers adhere to the strong data protection laws of Luxembourg. Not only do we provide you with private hosting services, but our servers offer you enterprise grade hardware which guarantees the best possible perfomance for your hosting needs. Benelux Servers takes privacy of our clients very seriously, we never monitor or check the contents of our clients servers, and we also never disclose information to any third party without a valid reason in compliance with the data protection laws of Luxembourg. We maintain minimum logs of our clients, the only logs we maintain are temporary payment logs needed for security which are deleted within 24 hours. =================================== COUPON CODE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY APPLIED AT CHECKOUT => COUPON CODE: SPECIAL30OFF You can see discounted price at checkout.

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