sshVM - End of Year Sales - 50% off - OpenVZ VPS low as $1 per month

Happy New Year 2015 in advance from sshVM team. Coupon Code: 14to15 (Valid till Jan 1st 2015 and one order allowed per client) This coupons gives 50% lifetime discount on VPS plan - VPS1,VPS2,VPS3,VPS4,VPS5,VPS6,VPS7 any locations. Payment Method: PayPal, Payza, Credit/Debit Card, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Bank Transfer (India Only) Locations: Kansas City - Missouri, Chicago - Illinois, Dallas - Texas, San Jose - California, Buffalo - New York, Atlanta - Georgia, Los Angeles - California, Phoenix - Arizona, Zurich - Switzerland, Miami - Florida Note: (Coupon is not valid for existing active services) Visit: Kansas City - VPS1 - $2.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $3 Quarterly Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 1gbps port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miami - Florida - VPS1 - $3.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $4.5 Quarterly Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zurich, Switzerland - VPS1 - $3.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $4.5 Quarterly Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 1Gbps Port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffalo, New York - VPS1 - $3.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $4.5 Quarterly Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 1Gbps Port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Atlanta - VPS1 - $3.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $4.5 Quarterly Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 1gbps port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Los Angeles - VPS1 - $3.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $4.5 Quarterly Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 1gbps port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chicago - VPS1 - $3.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $4.5 Quarterly Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 1gbps port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dallas - VPS1 - $3.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $4.5 Quarterly Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- San Jose - VPS1 - $3.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $4.5 Quarterly Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phoenix - VPS1 - $3.00 x 3 months - Buy Now! - Coupon: 14to15 = $4.5 Quarterly Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3 128MB Dedicated RAM / 128MB vSwap 10GB Raid1 Protected Storage 150GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps port 1 iPv4 Address / 5 iPv6 Address OpenVZ / SolusVM --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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