
arubacloud.com又是一个惊喜,给我们带来了绝对的基于VMware虚拟的VPS,纯SSD,有英国、法国、德国、意大利捷克5处Data Center,每个月只要1美刀。让人觉得比较蛋疼的事情是cloud.it也是他们家的,完全一样的配置,价格"不可描述"了好几倍...至于说arubacloud靠不靠谱的问题,我从官方抄来了一段原话:Aruba Cloud is the Cloud brand for Aruba S.p.A。Aruba S.p.A., founded in 1994 in Arezzo, is the leader in Italy and in Eastern European markets for the number of hosted websites and registered domain names, with over 2 million customers and partners that allow the group to be one of the top five hosting companies in Europe and one of the top ten companies worldwide. In addition to the Web Hosting services and certified e-mail, Aruba also provides solutions of dedicated servers, housing colocation, managed services and has a strong experience in data center management. From 2011, Aruba offers Cloud services in IaaS model, through the brand Aruba Cloud. These Cloud Computing and Cloud Object S"不可描述"age services are backed up by a network of proprietary and partner data centers, including the latest one of Arezzo, one of the few Tier IV data centers in Italy, which was opened in 2012.寡人想说:无AFF,速买!


S small

  • 系统:Linux
  • CPU:1核
  • 内存:1G
  • 硬盘:20G SSD
  • 流量:2T/月
  • 虚拟:VMware
  • 购买链接

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